The freedom of convincing and poetic way


  • Bogdan Piotrowski Author


Zbiginiew Herbert was considered by critics of universal Literature in his last years of life to be the most admired poet of the late twentieth century. His creative inf1uence exceeded the borders of his native Poland, extending across Europe and reaching other continents. He was always against the artistic fashions and the ideologies of the turn of the century. In his poetic work and essays, ethic constituted the foundations of all aesthetic expression. The values of classic tradition contributed to the development of liric, where sensitivity tradition, and the present thing were conjugated. The anxiety of contemporary man, his yearnings, and the search of the total accomplishment of their life are the frequent reasons for their verses. His poetry derives from the Absolute one and aspired to help mankind to construct a better world.


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Author Biography

Bogdan Piotrowski

Magister en Filosofía romance en la Universidad Jagellona de Cracovia y Doctor en Ciencias Humanas por la Universidad de Varsovia (Polonia), especialización en Literatura francesa en la Universidad de Grenoble (Francia) y postgrado en el Instituto Caro y Cuervo en Bogotá. Actualmente Director del Departamento de Lengua y Literatura del Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad de La Sabana, Director fundador de la revista Educación y Educadores y Director de la revista Litterae. Autor, entre otros libros, de Infierno poético de Polonia, La realidad nacional colombiana en su narrativa contemporánea.



Lenguas y Literatura