The post-abortion syndrome


  • Susan Stanford-Rue Author


Abortion does not have to be eonsidered as the right that feminists c1aim beeause it is an experienee of affliction. It is a death that shoeks women tremendously and must be surpassed. For a woman who has undergone through abortion in order to manage and reeover, she must: a) admit the reality, aeeept that her ehild has died; b) understand what has really happened; e) work with all the emotions related to her pain; d) be forgiven by the the people who helped her and advised her to practiee it, and, if she has faith, she must beg God forgiveness because it is the only way she can pardon herself.


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Author Biography

Susan Stanford-Rue

Socióloga de Loyola College, Montreal Canadá (1968). Master en educación en Boston College, Boston Massachusetts (1970). Doctorado Asesoría Psicológica en Northwstern University, Evanston, Illinois (1975). Actualmente codirectora del Institute for Pregnancy Loss. Autora, entre otras obras, de WiU I Cry tomorroy?, dramática historia del sufrimiento psicológico posterior al aborto. Ha sido docente por 10 años de Counseling Psychology. Asistente del Vicepresidente de Wiyne State University y Decana del Unity College. Se ha especializado en terapia individual y de pareja para los casos de postaborto.



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