The paradoxes of a sentence that face human dignity with the relative estimation of the worthy


  • Ilva Myriam Hoyos Castañeda Author


The sentence of the Constitutional Court of Colombia that legalized -with certain agreements- active euthanasia adopts a new version of human dignity that no longer is considered as a preexisting reality to the legal system, based and found on its raisan d'etre. Human dignity is now freely estimated by every one: only the holder of the right to life can ever decide when it is desirable and compatible with human dignity. Nobody can be forced to continue living - The Court considers- with the inadmissible argument «of which a majority judges it as imperative or religious or moral» a religious belief or moral attitude that, «under a pluralist system, can only be an option». According to this, the terms are reversed: pluralism is turned into the foundation and the criterion delimiter of human rights. Once again, human dignity vanishes, stepping aside for a relativist position, ruining the justification of any principIe, including pluralism itself.


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Author Biography

Ilva Myriam Hoyos Castañeda

Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Navarra. Profesora Titular de la Universidad de La Sabana. Miembro de la Academia Colombiana de Jurisprudencia. Par Académico de Colciencias y Par Evaluador del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Líder del grupo de investigación Razonamiento constitucional y fundamentos de derecho, reconocido por Colciencias en la categoría “A”. Autora, entre otros libros, de La persona y sus derechos. Consideraciones bioético- jurídicas y De la Dignidad y de los derechos humanos.



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