Sobre la enseñanza de las humanidades


  • David Mejía Velilla Author Universidad de La Sabana


The higher education has neglected the teaching of himanities because it has considered that the useful thing is the discussion of the education. The real sense of the University, of the highest education, is in Humanities, which allow the university student to acquire the virtue and pelasure of studying , reading, talking, writing, teaching and doing. Going back to Humanities is loving the intellectual life and dedicating hours to study and acquire prectical wisdom ulto its supreme level, without  which the spiritual life would be unconceivable. For that reason, it is necessary to listen to the great masters conversation order to learn with them the art of talking together.


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Author Biography

David Mejía Velilla, Universidad de La Sabana

Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de La Sabana, abogado, Doctor en Derecho Canónico, Académico de la Lengua, de la Historia y de la Educación. Fue Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de La Sabana, Decano de las Facultades de Derecho y de Comunicación Social, Director del Instituto de Humanidades. Autor, entre otros libros, de Vitrales, Tiempo de vivir, Memoria de Dios, Los días y las noches, Canto continuo y Pequeño Eliot.



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