Perfil cultural de la institución universitaria. Su compromiso con la verdad


  • Manuel Pareja Ortiz Author


People of the XXI century have an urgent need to find a new humanism, different from the nontrascendent humanism spread out during the last century with negative consequences.


Facing this challenge, the university has an important role, since being called to take a first-line place in culture development, it has the obligation to offer the world that new humanism which it claims for, keeping doors open to the truth about man, searching for that truth, and spreading it around.


That open-minded attitude, search and diffusion of the truth about man, demands the open-minded attitude, search and diffusion of the truth about God and the created world, to avoid going back to the non-trascendent humanism prevailing during last century.


Only a trascendent humanism, a humanism which takes into account that the origin and destiny of man are in God, will be the right answer to the new humanism the world claims for.


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Author Biography

Manuel Pareja Ortiz

Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Nueva Granada; Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Navarra, España; Profesor del Departamento de Historia del Instituto de Humanidades. Es autor, entre otros, de los siguientes libros: Apuntes del historia contemporánea, Cronología del mundo contemporáneo y El camino llegó a La Habana.



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