Panel de profesores, Universidad de La Sabana De la Dominus Iesus de la Novo Millenio Ineunte


  • Catalina Bermúdez Merizalde Author


Christian Faith comes to the world, not as an idea, a formula or a dogma. First of all it deals with the close study of a person, who is Jesus Christ, the Son of God and man’s redeemer. The whole story of salvation which we know through the Holly Writings and the living tradition of the Church, show that Christianism is the religion which has come into the human history, turning it into a story about God’s love to men. The Dominus Iesus Declaration published at the end of the previous year, deals with that matter, fully current, of the religious pluralism, and emphasizes Christ’s centrality and universality as Saviour of the humanity , and Christianism as a unique religion, universal and definite. On the other hand, the Novo Millennio Ineunte Letter, which was used by the Pontifex Maximus to close the jubilee and bimillennial year of Christ’s birthday provides reflection, also in Christologic code, in which it states with renewed vigor the Church’s evangelistic task to face the recently begun new millennium.


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Author Biography

Catalina Bermúdez Merizalde

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación por el Istituto Internazionale di Scienze dell' Educazione (Roma); Doctora en Sagrada Teología por la Università della Santa Croce (Roma). Autora, entre otras publicaciones, de Aspectos de la doctrina de la gracia en los Comentarios de Santo Tomás de Aquino a las epístoras paulinas (1990), Predestinación, gracia y libertad en los Comentarios de Santo Tomás a las Cartas de San Pablo (1990), Hijos de Dios por la gracia; la filiación divina, fundamento de una espiritualidad (1993) y Una lettura sulla dottrina della grazia nel Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (1994).


