Hacia una visión integrada de la biología


  • Antonio Pardo Author


The recent progress in biomedicine (clonation by nuclear transference, study of human genome) means a good chance to think over our biological knowledge. It is a common opinion, supported by many scientists, that to find out the secrets of the genome will provide the key to know and master the last means of biology, so in short time we could be in conditions to elaborate a whole theory about living organisms, as there is nowadays a scientific cosmology , which provides us a very accurate idea about the whole universe. This opinion is mainly based on the assumption of the paradigm about the genome domain over all the processes of the living organisnms. But this paradigm comes to be theoreticallly baseless; besides, it cannot explain well known biological phenomena, like the living beings development coming from an cell embryo. To obtain a valid answer to this and other biological questions, it is necessary a whole vision about the living being, a vision which results hard to a science that uses the essentially analitical hypothetical-deductive method. Such a whole vision is obtained by the scientist by means of reflection, not only the common sense reflection but the systematized reflection by means of philosophy as well. Only through this reflection the scientist is able to get as a whole the partial vision he has by means of the scientific study of matters. Besides, such a philosophical reflection allows the scientist to acquire a humanistic formation which facilitates the task of answering the acute questions raisen by the technical advances having ethical nature. These questions cannot be answered from a scientific point any way, and to pretend it could only take us to make subjective statements.


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Author Biography

Antonio Pardo

Secretario del Departamento de Humanidades Biomédicas de la Universidad de Navarra. Profesor de Deontología profesional del Biólogo, de Bioética de Enfermería y de Cuestiones de Bioética en la Licenciatura de Moral de la Facultad de Teología. Realizó estudios de medicina en la Universidad de Granada (1979), estudios de Filosofía (Licenciatura, en Roma, 1992) y estudios de Doctorado en Medicina (Universidad de Navarra, 1991). Desde 1991 es Profesor Adjunto del Departamento de Humanidades Biomédicas de la Universidad de Navarra.



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