Antropología y criterios neurológicos de muerte


  • Euclides Eslava Gómez Author Universidad de La Sabana


The article studies the anthropologic statute of the “brain-dead” patient. Though most of the experts thin k that these people are actually dead, some authors assume that because the organic functions are still present in these people, it is hard to determine their death. Supported by aristothelic anthropology, the article defends the idea that it is possible to consider the physiologic remanent events as “life” , but “vegetative life”, absolutely and irreversibly separated from the sensitives and intelectual faculties. In addition, this situation is considered as a state of inviability for the patient, because it entails the total and irreversible loss of the unity of the person.


Then, it is possible to affirm that, at the current state of the technology, death –if determined by neurologic criteria- is not compatible with the soul-body union. So vital phenomena exposed in the corpses aren’t human life itself, but simple vital residual dynamism, supported in artificial way.


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Author Biography

Euclides Eslava Gómez, Universidad de La Sabana

Médico cirujano por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, estudió Teología en la Universidad Pontificia de Santa Cruz, en Roma. Es Licenciado en Filosofía, con Premio Extraordinario por la Universidad de Navarra, en España, y doctor en Filosofía por la misma universidad. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre antropología y ética de los trasplantes. Actualmente es Director del Departamento de Teología del Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad de La Sabana.



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