Historia del continuo escándalo del Canal de Panamá


  • José Ángel Hernández García Author


This article takes us into the events leading to one of the biggest financial and political scandals in history. Many cases of corruption involving lots of politicians, people from the financial field, and even scrupleless adventurers have proliferated around the Panama Canal. All this goes on even today, when the Canal’s administration is in Panamanian hands. The article tries to go deeper in the historical origen of this magnificent human work, and it finishes making a political interpretation of the consequences of the abandon of the Canal area by the Americans and its adoption by the Panamanian state. This essay definitely tries to show that the Panama Canal has been synonymous of political and financial corruption during its history, regardless its rentability, which keeps on right up to present days.


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Author Biography

José Ángel Hernández García

Licenciado en Historia con título de Investigador por la Universidad de Alcalá, en Madrid; candidato a Doctorado en Historia con la tesis titulada "Colombia y la Guerra Civil Española, 1936-1939" por la misma universidad. Ha sido docente Historia de Colombia e Historia Mundial en la Universidad de La Sabana.


