Yo soy la verdad


  • Pedro Rodríguez Author


Theological dimension of subject is spotlighted in Saint John's Gospel (14,6) "I am the Truth". Contrary to platonizant theory regarding the text as a statement on The Word, authors holds with solvent exegetic that subject of statement is "The Word made man", that is, Jesus. This is the core message of Saint John who wishes thus to express that Truth which is God and, therefore, The Word, has admirably penetrated the human history, speaking and communicating in men's language.


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Author Biography

Pedro Rodríguez

Sacerdote, Prelado de Honor de Su Santidad. Doctor en Teología y en Derecho. Especialista en Eclesiología y Teología Ecuménica. Profesor Ordinario de Teología Sistemática en la Universidad de Navarra, Académico de la Pontificia de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Miembro de la Comisión Teológica Asesora del Episcopado Español.


