Leer el patrimonio, escoger la filiación. El caso de Polonia en la Europa del centro o del este


  • Jan Kieniewicz Author


To choose citizenship, individual consciously needs to feel and express his identity which is same one of Europe in XX and XXI centuries. Therefore, the importance of a statement regarding historical opposition between West and East. Counting on memory, reading of our patrimony is a positive way of building national identity. Selecting our citizenship is a choice to participate in European civilization, conceived as a value system.


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Author Biography

Jan Kieniewicz

Historiador, con estudios en la Universidad de Varsovia. Doctor en 1966, habilitación en 1974, profesor en 1983. Embajador de Polonia en España, 1990-1994. Libros recientes: Historia de Polonia, FCE, México 2001; Hiszpania w zwierciadle polskim, Gdañsk, 2001; Spotkania Wschodu, Gdañsk, 1999.


