Debate sobre la teoría del arte


  • Henryk Kieres Author


This work analyzes trends on current art philosophy, its scope and issues such as, maniac and privative eidetic, kindling debate as personal artist's viewpoints on art. Controversy on subject calls for discussion on roots of crisis of current aesthetic. Principles such as anti-art, and anti-calism which regard aesthetic as an "all-embracing theory", play a major role as avant-garde movements. Relativism and irracionalism identify these "anti" views of art.


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Author Biography

Henryk Kieres

Profesor de Estética, Director del Departamento de Estética en la Universidad Católica de Lublín. Autor de numerosas publicaciones, entre otras, de los libros Sztuka w obliczu prawdy ( El arte ante la verdad) y Filozofia sztuki (Filosofía del arte).



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