Un alma para Europa. Robert Schuman, 1886-1963


  • S.E. Paul Cardenal Poupard Author


This article is an answer to John Paul 11' s call to propose again sanctity as a historical challenge. It is the transcription of a Lent convention at Notre-Dame in Paris, dealing with the testimony of Robert Schuman, Europe' s priest and living example of how politics can be a way to sanctity.

His proposal, "a soul to Europe", encourages the building of a society which would be a generous cornmunity made up of free men and free women, cooperative with and responsible for other less favoured countries.

His life is an example for new millennium laic people and their heritage, a message of hope in the present circumstances, when it is necessary to insist on the Christian humanism's fundamental proposals: people's dignity, justice and liberty, the value of work, love to the family, tolerance and peace desire.


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Author Biography

S.E. Paul Cardenal Poupard

Presidente del Consejo Pontificio de la Cultura desde su creación en 1982. Miembro del Colegio Cardenalicio desde 1985. Miembro de las Congregaciones para el Culto Divino, Evangelización de los Pueblos, Educación Católica y del Pontificio Consejo para el Diálogo Interreligioso. En español, entre otras obras: Iglesia y culturas, Diccionario de las religiones, Dios y la libertad, Hacia una cultura de la Verdad, La Iglesia frente a los desafíos de la posmodernidad, Inteligencia y afecto.


