Varón y mujer en el magisterio eclesiástico reciente. Notas para una reflexión sobre la persona humana


  • Catalina Bermúdez Merizalde Author


Recently, the Pontifical Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith published a document titled Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church about the Cooperation of Men and Women in the Church and the World. This document offers a brief critical assessment of certain current anthropological conceptions, and suggests some reflections inspired by the doctrinal data ofbiblical anthropology, which are essential in safeguarding the identity and specificity of the human persono In the light of some postures arising form radical feminism, Christian anthropology identifies in the human being an imprint of the image of God and affirms that the male-female relationship cannot be either antagonistic or exclusively limited to a sexual dimension.


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Author Biography

Catalina Bermúdez Merizalde

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación y en Teología Sistemática por la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz, en Roma. Profesora de Antropología Teológica y de Historia de la Teología. Publicaciones en las revistas Annales Theologici, de la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz, y Pensamiento y Cultura, del Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad de La Sabana.


