Aspectos políticos de la guerra polaco-bolchevique de 1920


  • Henryk Kobierowski Author


The publication is dedicated to the armed conflict that took place in the territory of Poland and notably decided the future of Europe in the aftermath of World War I. The so-called «Miracle on the Vístula», as it is popularly known in the historiography of the Polish-Soviet war from year 1920, prevented the Bolshevik Revolution from expanding westwards from the then emerging Soviet Union. Thanks to the enormous sacrifice of the Polish soldiers under the command of Marshal Józef Pilsudski, the selected divisions of the Red Army were fractioned in the vicinities of Warsaw, thus forcing their commander Marshal Michail Tuchaczewski to retreat. It is worth emphasizing that, until the end of the 80’s, the disclosure of the facts presented in this publication was completely forbidden in countries ruled by communist regimes.


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Author Biography

Henryk Kobierowski

Formación profesional: Universidad de Varsovia - Facultad de Historia (1975), Centro de perfeccionamiento para Funcionarios de Comercio Exterior (1995), Escuela Nacional de la Administración Pública (2000-2002). Se ha desempeñado en diferentes cargos en las embajadas de la República de Polonia en Lisboa, Madrid y Panamá. A partir de 2002 es Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de la República de Polonia en colombia. Casado, tiene dos hijos adultos. Hace varios años investiga la historia de la guerra bolchevique de 1920.


