¿Tiene algo qué decir el cristiano al arte? Reflexiones sobre la relación entre forma y contenido


  • Javier Aranguren Author


The work of art is often thought of as another domain of the "entertainment" domain that the human being needs. The author claims that the sense of the work is deeper: trying to have the infinite reveal itself in the finitude of a given object. In this sense, any work of art is a failure or an announcement of the hope for a more intense encounter. Such an encounter takes place in a special way in the Christian notion of incarnation, and from this perspective it is possible to realize the possibilities of art with the presence of what is Christian.


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Author Biography

Javier Aranguren

Doctor en Filosofía, ha sido profesor de Fundamentos de Antropología en la Universidad de Navarra y en la Universidad de Montevideo. Es autor de cinco libros y de numerosos artículos y ensayos.


