De la filosofía a la meta-física


  • Piotr Jaroszynsky Author


The writer attempts to prove, supported by Greek texts, that the word philosophy did not mean even in Plato writings, just love for unselfish truth knowledge but that it had a practical hue: moral and political. In turn the name metaphysics, used to designate the most important philosophy discipline and for the 14 book series written by Aristotle, did not only came from this latter but it also –as Greek expression- was always separated: ta meta ta physicá, and it was joined just as far as the Latin tradition. Anciently its meaning had diverse interpretations and certainly it was not a fortuitous name.


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Author Biography

Piotr Jaroszynsky

Estudió filosofía en la famosa Universidad Católica de Lublín, ahí mismo sustentó su doctorado sobre La metafísica de la belleza y su segundo doctorado sobre ¿La estética o la filosofía de la belleza? Desde 1991 dirige la cátedra de Filosofía de la Cultura. Es autor, entre otros libros, de: Metafísica de la belleza (1986), El debate sobre la belleza (1992), Metafísica y arte (1996), Fundamentos de la retórica clásica (1998), Ética: el drama de la vida moral (1992), Ciencia en la Cultura (2003). Investiga en el campo de la filosofía de la cultura, partiendo desde la filosofía realista clásica. Es miembro de las asociaciones filosóficas polaca, norteamericana e italiana.


