Averiguación, escritura y narración histórica en la Grecia Antigua: Tucídides y la Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso


  • Francisco José Casas Restrepo Author Universidad de La Sabana


The History of the Peloponnesian Wars, written by the Athenian historian Thucydides, is an outstanding example of inquiry, writing and historic narration. To accomplish the last two of these operations, prior research or investigation into certain specific and particular facts is required, which can be done only by recalling and rescuing them from obscurity. However, this does not involve ordinary facts or events of little or no significance, but those with characteristics that stem from two fundamental features: importance and reliability. These features play a prime role in Antiquity with respect to inquiry into the human past and present. This inquiry is carried out by three similar and related, but not identical disciplines: history, archeology and chronology.


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Author Biography

Francisco José Casas Restrepo, Universidad de La Sabana

Doctor y Magíster en Filosofía de la Universidad de Salamanca. Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales y en Historia. Actualmente, es investigador y profesor del Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de La Sabana, y adelanta trabajos posdoctorales en la Universidad de Salamanca.


