You are a Written Sentence. Four Notes on Literature and Misery in Light of J. Rancière


  • Juan Diego Pérez Moreno Author


Partition of the sensible (partage du sensible), heterology, spectrality, de-identification, literariness (literarité).


This paper explores the proximity suggested by Jacques Rancière in some of his texts between the spectrality of literature's quasi-bodies and the possibility of embracing the suspended existence of those whose nonassignable differences are neutralized in a consensual order through the assignation of a miserable identity. Having in mind the possibilities of thinking such relationship that can be traced in four literary fragments, it shows how the interval of de-identification that is opened in literary writing, that in which literariness appears as the capacity of rearranging the coordinates of visibility and intelligibility that define a given partition of the sensible, can be understood as one of the sites in which political subjetivation might potentially take place.


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Author Biography

Juan Diego Pérez Moreno

Literato de la Universidad de los Andes y Magíster en Filosofía de la misma Universidad.





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