The Ideology in Marx. Beyond False Consciousness


  • Gerardo Ambriz Arévalo Author Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


ideology, consciousness, class struggle, class interests, politics.


Nowadays, when someone asks what the concept of "ideology" meant to Marx, the common reply is that ideology is the false consciousness we have about an entity or event. In other words, only the epistemological or negative meaning suggested. However, few have bothered to check if that is what ideology really meant to Marx or if other meanings (e.g., a sociological or neutral significance) coexisted in his work. This study explains the epistemological or negative meaning, which sees ideology as a problem related not only to the misconceptions one has about the material world but also to reproduction of the dominant system. The neutral meaning is presented as well. It indicates ideology can be a set of ideas or values that are not necessarily false, and can motivate emancipatory practices.


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Author Biography

Gerardo Ambriz Arévalo, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Cursé la licenciatura en filosofía de 2004 a 2009, la maestría en Humanidades con línea en filosofía moral y política, y actualmente curso el doctorado en Humanidades (con la misma línea que la maestría). Todo esto en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Actualmente doy clases de filosofía a nivel bachillerato





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