Crisis and future of the humanities in the university of today


  • David Mejía Velilla Author Universidad de La Sabana


Colombia is currently afflicted by a deep moral crisis as a result of a sustained neglect of the highest moral, legal and religious standards and laws. The worst crisis suffered builds upon the language. Not only because falsehood reigns but also because knowledge appears ever more distant from the truth. High education institutions are responsible for abandoning the teaching of the humanities. The humanities civilized barbarians and without then civilized people quickly fell into barbarism.

Overcorning the crisis requires the restoration of the sciences of the spirit, the formation of the habits of reading as well as writing and the consolidation of articulate dialogue and conversation in the student. It is thus urgent to go back to the classics. In this manner, the human being will be spiritually replenished according to its high moral and intellectual standing. This is precisely the
basic work of the university.


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Author Biography

David Mejía Velilla, Universidad de La Sabana

Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de La Sabana, abogado, Doctor en Derecho Canónico, Académico de la Lengua, de la Historia y de la Educación. Fue Profesor Emérito de la Universidad de La Sabana, Decano de las Facultades de Derecho y de Comunicación Social, Director del Instituto de Humanidades. Autor, entre otros libros, de Vitrales, Tiempo de vivir, Memoria de Dios, Los días y las noches, Canto continuo y Pequeño Eliot.



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