The virtue of hope and christian ascetics in so me writings of pious Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, founder of the Opus Dei


  • Paul O'Callaghan Author


The virtue of hope in the teaching of Pious José María Escrivá de Balaguer is not laid down departing from merely abstract considerations but from the experience, lived by Pious Escrivá, of virtue as the h i t of grace. In this context, hope appears vividly in his teachings as a result of God's calling: "come to your father's home" which contributes to every man's search for plenitude.

Without excluding effort and perseverance, buy firmly supported by divine filiation and in the certitude of God's creative action, every person can, through the virtue of hope, answer optimistically and happily to the universal calling of sanctity.


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Author Biography

Paul O'Callaghan

Irlandes (Dublin 19561. Presbitero, profesor extraordinario de de antropología teológica en el Pontificio Ateneo de la Sanla Cruz y Direclorde estudios del mismo cenlro de estudios, enseñó teología durante 5 años en la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad de Navarra. También ha impartido cursos de Teología en Australia y filosofía moderna. Entre sus publicaciones, se encuentra: L. F. Mateo-seco, et, al. (a cura di), la formación de los sacerdotes en las circunstacias actuales, M. Belda, et al. (a cura di), Santità e modo; atti del Convegno teologico di studio sugli insegnamenti del beato Josemaría Escrivá; II Dios vivo dei viventi. L'escatologia cristiana, "Fidis Christi". The Justificatio Debate, La Metafísica Cristiana, Teologia Della Creacione.


