The seal of Borges. Mentions of place and time in his texts


  • Adam Elbanowski Author


This artide demonslrates how Borges' signature and his references lo place and lime contribute lo the para-text's development throughout the works of Ihe gll'at Argentinian aulhOT. The phenomenon of setting the place of the creative proress in the elaboration of his texts is dosely linkee! lo Borges' biography and only exceptionally aceomplishes a connotative role in the meaning of the texto The siluation is abundanl1y differen! with regard lo time and dates. Its mention help lo establish the joumalistic origin o/ lhe texts, furthering the sensation of something unfinished and ¡nconsummale. In spite of being located at the end of the essay, tale or poem, they do not fit into any particular Iitcrary convention. Thcy are ene feature of Borges' originality.


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Author Biography

Adam Elbanowski

Magister en Filosofía Hispánica y Doctor en Ciencias Humanas por la Universidad de Varsovia (Polonia) y luego docente de la misma institución. Traductor, ensayista y crítico literario. Autor de publicaciones sobre la literatura, especialmente latinoamericana. Durante cinco años desempeñó el cargo de embajador de Polonia en Colombia.



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