Homo brevis. Ethics of duration, fatigue and aim


  • Daniel Innerarity Author


Man is a temporary being governed by brevity, fatigue and time. This human peculiarity demands reflection on the ethics that, understood as the government of human actions, must be adapted to this particular condition, because when speaking of a good life, it occurs in and with time, not in spite of this. Temporality is inflexible for human life, the time for us is a term, an extension that is granted to us and that at sorne moment we have no longer. For that reason, the experience of brevity like the quality of time, occurs not only to the individual but to all human species. AIso, fatigue supposes what temporary is and concerns the human condition; to think of fatigue is a way of thinking the body. Brevity is a certain anticipation of death that is present with us in diverse ways at many moments of life.


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Author Biography

Daniel Innerarity

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Navarra, amplió sus estudios en Alemania como becario de la Fundación Humboldt, Suiza e Italia. Ha publicado los libros Praxis e intersubjetividad, Dialéctica de la modernidad, Hegel y el romanticismo, Libertad como pasión, La irrealidad literaria y La filosofía como una de las bellas artes. Actualmente es profesor Titular en la Universidad de Zaragoza.



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